Visual artist and vibrant painter Elli Maanpää smiles as she sits in front of her colorful paintings in her studio, with paintbrushes nestled in her hair.
"Life’s a dream—mine's painted in six shades"
As a teenager in a family of four siblings, Elli Maanpää, a contemporary artist from Finland, found solace amid emotional turmoil during the 90s depression. As the youngest, she craved her own space but couldn't find it in her crowded home. Instead, she sought refuge within her own imagination—a realm where none could trespass.
Elli's journey continues today. In her cherished Helsinki studio on Mechelininkatu 13, she transforms materials into art, creating acrylic paintings that exude the lightness she feels during their creation. Her choice of six shades reflects the nuances of her inner world, where emotions intertwine and blend, just like the colors on her canvas. These vibrant hues are not just a visual feast but a reflection of her psyche.
Her hope is that these paintings not only resonate with viewers but also serve as windows into their own subconscious realms, stirring emotions and sparking introspection. Through her art, Elli invites others to delve into the depths of their imaginations, just as she does, exploring the empathy of their own inner worlds.
Beyond seeking recognition for her art, Elli aims to kindle inspiration in others, encouraging them to embark on their unique creative journeys. She has written an eBook about ART STYLE, which is available to further inspire aspiring artists.
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Art Exhibitions
20.6.-11.8.2024 || DIALOGI: KESÄKISSA || WINDOW GALLERY ELLI in atelier window Mechelininkatu 13 lh 2, Helsinki, Finland
"Power Lady" painting created in the Art N´ Soul event in September 2023 is exhibited in the Living Room bar at the Clarion Hotel Helsinki until the auction in Fall 2024.

Interview about art and life as a contemporary visual artist with Barbara Kaucher.

Visual Artist CV 
2013 || M.A. Art: Visual Culture & Contemporary Art, Aalto University, Department of Art
2019 || B.A. Art: Animation, Turku Arts Academy, TUAS, Turku
2008 || B.A. Art: Fashion Design, Aalto University, Department of Design, Helsinki
+ 2017 Autumn || exchange studies in Centennial College Toronto, Canada
+ 2006 Autumn || exchange studies in FADU in Buenos Aires, Argentina​​​​​​​
2023 || Turmelija, Projektitila, B-galleria, Turku
2022 || Värien serendipiteetti, Kulttuurikeskus Vanha Paukku, Lapua
2022 || Elossa / Eloisa, P-galleria, Pori
2021 || Luonnon syleily (Eng. Nature’s Embrace), Galleria WW, Walleniuksen Wapriikki, Juupajoki
2020 || Pinnan yli/Beyond the Surface, Galleria Albert IX, Helsinki
2019 || Augmented Painting, The National Museums Summer Yard, Helsinki
2015 || Uhanalaiset/Endangered, Karhulinna, Korkeasaari Zoo, Helsinki
2014 || On the Starting Line, S-Gallery, Helsinki
2014 || Grumpy Cat With Friends, Rikhardinkatu Library, Helsinki
2012 || Art Kiosk – interactive art studio, Stone kiosk in Sibelius park, Pori
2010 || 5kk Malesiassa, Nuorten toimintakeskus Happi, Helsinki
2024 || Ornamo Teosmyynti | Design Lab Galleria, Helsinki
2023 || Kosketus: Kiiskinen, Maanpää, Rauhala, Villi | Tyynelä galleria, Lohja
2022 || Trio: Maanpää, Mattsson, Vakkilainen | Gumbostrand Konst & Form, Söderkulla
2020 || WABGNET: Pala pinkkiä hattaraa, Helsingin Kulttuuritalo, Helsinki
2020 || HELENE20, Kulttuurihalli, Helsinki
2023 || Artina: Henriksson, Maanpää, Nurmi, Raikkala, Sirén, Tuulikki, Yli-Huhtala | Ratina, Tampere
2023 || Jenesais: Henriksson, Maanpää, Nurmi, Raikkala, Sirén, Tuulikki, Yli-Huhtala | Lippulaiva, Espoo
2022 || Postitaide – Mail Art, B-galleria, Turku
2021 || WABGNET: Shine The Light, Flamingo-Jumbo Gallery, Vantaa
2020 || Kasvatin kasvot/ vetelin viivoina muista/ näin naamani muissa/omassani muut/ etäisyyksistä kasvaneena/ kasvottomuus, Helsingin Kulttuuritalo, Helsinki
2019 || Café Kuvitus, Helsingin Kirjamessut, Helsinki
2012 || To Draw, Generaattori Gallery, Pori
2012 || Experimental Happening 2, Generaattori Gallery, Pori
2012 || Pori Arzz, Generaattori Gallery, Pori
2011 || Vinyl Record Show, Tempe, Arizona, USA
2009 || MiniMini Art Show, Phoenix, Arizona, USA
2004 || Art Diploma Exhibition, Ullakko Gallery, Turku
2004 || Korsa City Life, Autokauppa Pop-Up Gallery, Turku
2023 || Art N´ Soul, Live painting in Clarion Helsinki
2020 || Augmented Painting, Animatrick animation festival, Helsinki
2019 || Augmented Painting, TAFF – Turku Animated Film Festival, Turku
2012 || Art Kiosk, Interactive art happening, Lippakioski 5th borough, Pori
2012 || 'Occupy Art Museum' performance by Vartijavalta: Kuula, Kärpänen,  Maanpää, Mäki, Turkko. La Nuit des Musées 19.5.2012. Pori Art Museum, Pori
2022 || The Finnish Illustration Association
2022 || Arts Promotion Center Finland
2021 || Arts Promotion Center Finland
2020 || HELENE20 – Helsinki Hospital Art Project, Helsinki, Finland
2020 || Arts Promotion Center Finland
2020 || The Finnish Illustration Association
2015 || Arts Promotion Center Finland
Turmelija: Rantavahdit. Lohjan nuorisokeskus Harjula. Lohja Museum. Lohja,  Finland. Auction/Donated 2024.
Sanoinkuvaamaton mielenrauha, Paras kaveri, Sulava sieluntila ja Kel onni on. Satasairaala S-building Youth Psychiatric. Pori, Finland. 4 acquired 2022-2023.
Drawing. Mail Art. Postimuseo – Postal Museum. Tampere, Finland. Donated 2022
2024- || Art N' Soul, Helsinki, Finland
2020/10 || “Helenen peilikuva”, Hagelstam & Co, Helsinki, Finland
Kuvasto, Kopiosto, Sanasto, Ornamo, Kuvittajat ry, T.E.H.D.A.S. ry, Animaatiokilta ry, WABGNET: Women Artist Born Global, WATWA: Where Art The Women Artists, Finnanimation, supplementary member of the board 2019-2020
2017 || Video Mapping for Lille Opera house. Created in 4 day workshop in collaboration with animation students all over the world. Part of a Fête de l’anim, Lille, France. Read more here.
2016 || Times of movement, Video Mapping for Arsenalet. Created in 6 day workshop in collaboration with animation students all over Europe. Arsenalet, The Animation Workshop, Viborg, Denmark. Read more here.
2014 || LiikKUVAT - videotaidetta hoitolaitoksiin, Kauppi Hospital, Tampere. Curator: Anni Venäläinen.
2020 || Pihka Is My Name: +-, music video for Pihka Is My Name, 02:24
2018 || Dagen Efter, puppet animation, with Anna Mikkola and Aino Eronen, 02:33
2017 || Kaikki laulaa tavallaan, musamation for Loiskis, 03:25
2017 || Point of View, 2D animation, 02:20
2012 || The Girl Who Makes Clouds, live action and stop motion, 04:53
2011 || Dialog, live action, 04:32
Pihka Is My Name: +/-
2021 || Animatricks Animation Festival, Online
Kaikki laulaa tavallaan
2022 || Lapua Art & Film Festival, Lapua, Finland
2018 || Arktisen upeeta XIX a Nordic Film Festival, Jyväskylä, Finland
2018 || Viitasaaren elokuvaviikko, Viitasaari, Finland
Point of View
2018 || Animatricks Animation Festival, Helsinki, Finland
2017 || Anilogue International Animation Film Festival, Budapest, Hungary
2017 || Helsinki International Film Festival, Helsinki, Finland
2017 || Turku Animated Film Festival, Turku, Finland
2017 || Elävän taiteen ilta, Turku, Finland
The Girl Who Makes Clouds
2022 || Lapua Art & Film Festival, Lapua, Finland
2019 || Nuorten tekijöiden näyttely, Villa Arttu, Hyvinkää, Finland
2019 || Elokuvaviikko -elokuvakasvatuksellinen teemaviikko
2014 || LiikKUVAT – videotaidetta hoitolaitoksiin, Kauppi Hospital, Tampere
2014 || Tampere Film Festival, Tampere, Finland
2012 || Oulu International Children’s and Youth Film Festival, Oulu, Finland
2012 || Helsinki Short Film Festival, Helsinki, Finland
2011 || Tampere Film Festival, Tampere, Finland
2018 || Cartoon Forum -Focus in Finland Workshop, Toulouse, France
2018 || Loiskis Musamation Contest, 1st place
2017 || Euranim Videomapping Workshop, Fête de l’anim, Lille, France
2016 || Euranim Videomapping Workshop, Animation Workshop, Viborg, Denmark
2014 || Loiskis Musamation Contest, shared 1st place
2023 || eWorkbook: How to Find Your Epic Art Syle. Author and illustrator. Selfpublished. Saatavilla myös suomeksi: Taidetyyli.
2020 || Varis, joka halusi olla satakieli Author and illustrator. Publisher: Mini Kustannus
2014 || Ville Karttunen: Salamaponin selässä, Author: Ville Karttunen. Illustrator: Elli Maanpää. Publisher: Juki Records
Paletti, Turun Ammattikorkeakoulu, KTO, Arilyn, Stockmann, TF Bank, Korkeasaari Zoo, Suomen Lomamajat, Novita.
Press // Mentions
From the most recent to the oldest
10.3.2024 - Länsi-Uusimaa: The article is not about me but my interactive painting installation in the backdrop.
10.3.2024 - Länsi-Uusimaa: The article is not about me but my interactive painting installation in the backdrop.
27.8.2023 - Satakunnan Kansa - web
27.8.2023 - Satakunnan Kansa - web
27.8.2023 - Satakunnan Kansa
27.8.2023 - Satakunnan Kansa
25.8.2023 - Länsi-Suomi
25.8.2023 - Länsi-Suomi
25.8.2023 - Länsi-Suomi - web
25.8.2023 - Länsi-Suomi - web
16.8.2023 - Aamuposti Viikko
16.8.2023 - Aamuposti Viikko
13.8.2023 - Yle Västnyland
13.8.2023 - Yle Västnyland
2023 - Länsi-Uusimaa
2023 - Länsi-Uusimaa
2022 - Satasairaala
2022 - Satasairaala
2022 - Lapuan Sanomat
2022 - Lapuan Sanomat
2022 - Canvy Blog
2022 - Canvy Blog
2022 - Canvy Blog
2022 - Canvy Blog
2022 - Lapuan Sanomat
2022 - Lapuan Sanomat
2021 - Oriveden Sanomat
2021 - Oriveden Sanomat
2020 - Kallio lehti
2020 - Kallio lehti
2020 - Yle: Radio Suomen Päivä
2020 - Yle: Radio Suomen Päivä
2020 - Ulvilan Seutu
2020 - Ulvilan Seutu
2020 - Munkin Seutu
2020 - Munkin Seutu
2019 - Kansallismuseon Instagram
2019 - Kansallismuseon Instagram
2019 - Turku AMK Talk Taide
2019 - Turku AMK Talk Taide
2015 - Kotiliesi (Nimi kirjoitettu väärin)
2015 - Kotiliesi (Nimi kirjoitettu väärin)
2014 - Tampere Film Festival
2014 - Tampere Film Festival
2014 - Tampere Film Festival
2014 - Tampere Film Festival
2012 - Porilainen
2012 - Porilainen
2010 - Helsingin Kaupunki
2010 - Helsingin Kaupunki
2007 - Karjalainen
2007 - Karjalainen
Thank you for visiting my ONLINE ART GALLERY 
Our ONLINE SHOP features available paintings. To inquire about visiting my art studio or for any other inquiries, please contact me via email at ELLI@MAANPAA.COM or by filling out the form provided above. Enthusiastically awaiting our creative exchange.
"Primavera: Pre-Summer Celebration" art exhibition in Helsinki featuring colorful and summery paintings by visual artist Elli Maanpää. The exhibition is open from May 2nd to May 19th, 2024, Thursday to Sunday, from 2 pm to 6 pm. The venue is Elli Maanpää's studio located at Mechelininkatu 13, shop space 2 (next to Favela restaurant) in Helsinki. Welcome!

"Primavera: Pre-Summer Celebration" art exhibition in Helsinki featuring colorful and summery paintings by visual artist Elli Maanpää. The exhibition is open from May 2nd to May 19th, 2024, Thursday to Sunday, from 2 pm to 6 pm. The venue is Elli Maanpää's studio located at Mechelininkatu 13, shop space 2 (next to Favela restaurant) in Helsinki. Welcome!

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