"Indescribable Peace of Mind" was the first of the four paintings by Elli Maanpää acquired for the public art collection of Satasairaala.
Indescribable Peace of Mind (2021), Best Friend (2023), Fluid state of mind (2023) and Whoever Is Happy (2019).
Public Art Collection of Satasairaala, Pori, Finland || 2022-23
Participating in the open portfolio application, I could never have imagined such a rewarding outcome. The acquisition of my paintings, notably "Indescribable Peace of Mind," by the Adolescent Psychiatry ward at SataHospital in Pori, Finland, is profoundly touching.
Positive feedback from patients and staff prompted the expansion of the collection to include "Best Friend," "Fluid State of Mind," and "Whoever Is Happy," highlighting the vital connection between art and well-being. These paintings now emanate their light and "hugging" energy, enveloping patients, visitors, and staff in an atmosphere of comfort and care within the hospital walls.
My heartfelt appreciation goes to the dedicated art team, especially specialists Kristiina Tynjälä and art coordinator Mollu Heino, along with Titta Valla, for their vision and support in enhancing the healing environment at Satasairaala.
In August 2023, the building was inaugurated, and the artists were invited to explore the premises and view their artworks. Cake and coffee were served during the event, and Heli Nukki captured photographs. All images featuring the painting "Indescribable Peace of Mind" are credited to her. While the other three paintings were acquired after the opening, I have yet to see them in person. However, Mollu Heino graciously provided a photograph of "Best Friend" and "Fluid State of Mind" in the waiting area. Many thanks for the photographs.
Elli Maanpää Art in Public Art Collection.

The acquisition of my paintings, notably "Indescribable Peace of Mind," by the Adolescent Psychiatry ward at SataHospital in Pori, Finland, is profoundly touching. Photograph by Heli Nukki.

Mollu Heino graciously provided a photograph of "Best Friend" and "Fluid State of Mind" in the waiting area.

We require more than art for healing, but art is indispensable too. Photograph by Heli Nukki.

Grateful for the opportunity, surrounded by specialists Kristiina Tynjälä and art coordinator Mollu Heino, I cherish this moment as an artist.
The opening event was attended by the press, resulting in articles about the Satasairaala S-building art collection in Satakunnan Kansa and Länsi-Suomi.

The print version of Satakunnan Kansa was titled "Supporting Recovery."

"The art supports peace of mind in the new building of Satapsykiatria in Pori." This was the title of the Satakunnan Kansa publication.

In Länsi-Suomi the article was titled "Art Supports Psychiatric Treatment - It's Present Everywhere in the New Hospital."