Experience the essence of 'Flow' in 'Fluid State of Mind' by Elli Maanpää.
Acrylic on canvas || 80 cm x 80 cm ||  2023
Sold to Public Collection of Satasairaala in Pori, Finland
I painted the concept of 'Flow' onto the canvas—those moments when everything effortlessly, lightly, and joyfully falls into place. When gravity feels more like a lift than a weight. This artwork was born in a similar vein, completed in a single sitting.
When a person experiences this sensation—a fluid state of mind—nothing seems challenging. In this state of flow, creativity flourishes, and obstacles become opportunities. It's a place where innovation thrives and possibilities are endless.
2023  "ARTINA" Art Exhibition in Ratina, Tampere, Finland
This figurative painting was sold to the Public Collection of Satasairaala in Pori.
This figurative painting was sold to the Public Collection of Satasairaala in Pori.
The essence of 'Flow' in 'Fluid State of Mind' painting by Elli Maanpää.
The essence of 'Flow' in 'Fluid State of Mind' painting by Elli Maanpää.
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