Participatory Art Installation, B-gallery, Turku, Finland
In February 2022, a bored gallery attendant in Yekaterinburg drew eyes with a ballpoint pen on a renowned painting by Anna Leporskaya.
Inspired by this incident, I brought unfinished acrylic paintings to B-gallery and provided acrylic markers to exhibition visitors. Attendees were encouraged to "sabotage" the paintings. After the exhibition concluded, I faced the decision of whether the works were now complete or if I should erase the marks made by the guests, effectively returning the paintings to blank canvases. So, in the end, who is the true defacer? Is it me or the exhibition guests who follow my instructions? Whose imprint is permitted to remain visible? Whose voice is heard?
The large artworks turned out to be so impressive that I auctioned them on social media after the exhibition, with proceeds donated to MIELI ry, an organization dedicated to mental health.
One auctionee generously donated the artwork "Saboteur: Beach Guards" to the public collection of Lohja Museum, where it is currently exhibited and continuing its interactive journey at Harjula Dixi Youth Cafe in Lohja.
The original name of the art installation in Finnish was "Turmelija".
Elli Maanpää - Solo Show / Art Installation.

"Take care of yourself" - a heartfelt note left on the artwork.

Interactive art installation in action at the art gallery.

"Blblbl" - a curious scribble left on the artwork, open to interpretation.

"Saboteur: Beach Guards" after the art exhibition.

A finished artwork "Saboteur: It's Jungle out There'.