"Not a Bit Tired," a figurative painting by visual artist Elli Maanpää.
Acrylic on canvas || 50 cm x 100 cm ||  2023
Sold to Private Art Collection
This figurative painting captures the moment when the clock is already racing towards the early hours of the morning, but in your hands, there's such an enchanting book that you can't bear to leave it unfinished and rest.
"Not a Bit Tired" also reflects a precious moment I witnessed during a bus ride—a child peacefully dozing off against the window, her face adorned with amusing expressions caught between wakefulness and sleep.
This figurative painting, sold to a private art collection from the art exhibition, portrays the universal experience of resisting the call of sleep.
Photographs from the curated art exhibition "Design Buddies Are Not Abandoned" by Silja S. showcase my paintings as part of the exhibition.
2023  "Design Buddies Are Not Abandoned" in Forum, Helsinki, Finland
This figurative painting portrays the experience of resisting the call of sleep.
This figurative painting portrays the experience of resisting the call of sleep.
Photographs from the curated art exhibition "Design Buddies Are Not Abandoned" by Silja S.
Photographs from the curated art exhibition "Design Buddies Are Not Abandoned" by Silja S.
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